Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research


This award is presented to ZAMBIA INSTITUTE OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH in recognition of being the Most Reliable ZAMREN member institution in the category of Research and Anchor Institutions 2021

Management Team

Zali B. Chikuba

Interim Executive Director

Ms. Malindi Msoni

Acting Senior Research Fellow

Malita Ngándu - Kabukabu

Acting Knowledge Manager

Humphrey Chisanga Bwalya

Finance & Administration Manager

Nazir Pandor

Business Development Manager

Mbewe Kalikeka

Research Fellow I - Public Finance

John Mututwa

Acting Research Fellow I - Transport & Infrastructure Development

Mulima Mubanga

Research Fellow I - Emerging Themes


Research Fellow I - Macroeconomics


Research Fellow I - Trade & Investment


Research Fellow I - Human Development

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