Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research


This award is presented to ZAMBIA INSTITUTE OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH in recognition of being the Most Reliable ZAMREN member institution in the category of Research and Anchor Institutions 2021


ZIPAR is governed by a Board composed of 10 members of high credence, representing Government, private sector, civil society, academia and professional bodies. The Board provides strategic direction and oversees the operations of ZIPAR. It has three Sub-Committees as follows:

  1. The Audit and Risk Committee – oversees and provides advice on matters relating to internal and external audit and risk management and as appropriate make recommendations to the Board.
  2. The Finance and Administration Committee – oversees and provides advice on all financial, human resources and administrative matters and as appropriate make recommendations to the Board.
  3. The Technical Committee – oversees and provides advice on matters pertaining to policy analysis and research, capacity building as well as advocacy and knowledge sharing and as appropriate, make recommendations to the Board.



The Board

Ms. Mwaka C. Mukubesa


Ministry of Finance and National Planning

Dr. Bona Chitah

Vice - Chairperson

University of Zambia

Dr. Oswald Mungule

Board Member

Economics Association of Zambia

Mr. Anthony Kabaghe

Board Member

Zambia Chamber of Commerce Trade and Industry

Dr. Jonathan M. Chipili

Board Member

Bank of Zambia

Mr Isaac Mwaipopo

Board Member

Centre for Trade Policy and Development

Mr. Sichizuwe Musokotwane

Board Member

Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry

Mr Bernard J. Kamphasa

Board Member

Permanent Secretary, Office of the President, Cabinet Office

Mrs. Mwenya Kaela Bwalya

Board Member

Permanent Secretary – Legal, Ministry of Justice

Mr. Zali B. Chikuba


Interim Executive Director ZIPAR

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